Our Services

Garage Door Install
Garage Door Repair
About Us - Sobre Nosotros
We believe the true measure of success is achieving a reputation that exemplifies who you are and what you stand for. For over 25 years, we have committed ourselves to making integrity and ethics the cornerstone of our company and conducting our business in a manner consistent with our values.
At Landmark Garage Door Services, Inc., we take great pride in our hard-earned reputation and the principles that embody our core values. It is why we work every day to develop innovative solutions that enable our clients to secure their homes, their workforce, and their pockets from other companies that are price gouging their services.
Our proactive methodology in service to our clients is through a collaborative, coordinated approach where all parties are working toward mutual goals. We believe that great things happen when we work together as a TEAM, and there is no I in team at LMGDS. We strive to understand the broad scope of your needs and the complexity of service that is required.
We commit to understanding your operations, anticipating and addressing your needs, and keeping you informed of issues which impact or are likely to impact the cost, and delivery of your service or products.
“ Offering the best service at a fair price”
Creemos que la verdadera medida del éxito es lograr una reputación que ejemplifique quién es usted y qué representa. Durante más de 25 años, nos hemos comprometido a hacer de la integridad y la ética la piedra angular de nuestra empresa y a dirigir nuestro negocio de manera coherente con nuestros valores.
En Landmark Garage Door Services, Inc., nos enorgullecemos de nuestra reputación ganada con esfuerzo y de los principios que encarnan nuestros valores fundamentales. Es por eso que trabajamos todos los días para desarrollar soluciones innovadoras que permitan a nuestros clientes proteger sus hogares, su fuerza laboral y sus bolsillos de otras empresas que están exagerando los precios de sus servicios.
Nuestra metodología proactiva al servicio de nuestros clientes es a través de un enfoque colaborativo y coordinado en el que todas las partes trabajan para lograr objetivos mutuos. Creemos que suceden grandes cosas cuando trabajamos juntos como EQUIPO. Nos esforzamos por comprender el amplio alcance de sus necesidades y la complejidad del servicio que se requiere.
Nos comprometemos a comprender sus operaciones, anticiparnos y abordar sus necesidades, y mantenerlo informado de los problemas que afectan o pueden afectar el costo y la entrega de su servicio o productos.
"Ofreciendo el mejor servicio a un precio justo"
Mr. Gustavo A. Almanza is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Landmark Garage Door Services, Inc. After servicing south Florida for over 25 years throughout different firms he worked his way up and became highly recognized and recommended for his expertise and knowledge in the industry of Residential and Commercial Garage Door service, repair, maintenance, and installation.
Gustavo has led and managed several organizations including Manufacturing of Rolling Steel Doors before deciding to launch his own company to continue servicing our South Florida community by providing fair, honest, and professional service to customers in sales, service, and repair of residential and commercial overhead doors. He has also successfully completed many Garage Door Educational Courses and has been highly involved in the design and testing process of new Hurricane Code Approved Doors for Miami-Dade County, Florida. He has served on numerous construction projects from Garage Door companies and industries alike.
Gustavo resides in Miami, Florida with his wife and family.
El Sr. Gustavo A. Almanza es el presidente y director de operaciones de Landmark Garage Door Services, Inc. Después de prestar servicios en el sur de la Florida durante más de 25 años a través de diferentes corporaciones, se abrió camino y llegó a ser altamente reconocido y recomendado por su experiencia y conocimiento en la amplia industria de servicio, reparación, mantenimiento e instalación de Puertas de Garaje Residenciales y Comerciales, e industriales.
Gustavo ha dirigido y administrado varias organizaciones, incluida la Fabricación de puertas enrollables de acero antes de decidir lanzar su propia empresa para continuar brindando servicios a nuestra comunidad del sur de la Florida al brindar un servicio justo, honesto y profesional a los clientes en ventas, servicio y reparación de puertas de garage residenciales y comerciales. También ha completado con éxito muchos cursos educativos sobre puertas de garaje y ha estado muy involucrado en el proceso de diseño, ingenieria y prueba de nuevas puertas aprobadas contra Huracanes para el condado de Miami-Dade, Florida. El Sr. Almanza ha trabajado en numerosos proyectos de construcción de empresas e industrias de puertas de garaje por igual.
Gustavo reside en Miami, Florida con su esposa y familia.

Garage Door Opener Install
Garage Door Opener Repair
Why Choose Landmark Garage Door Pros

Family Owned
As a family-owned and locally operated commercial and residential Garage Door services company, LMGDS takes pride in providing clients with superior solutions. We work hard to ensure you get a customized solution and the utmost in terms of value and workmanship.
Best Value
There are many strong options available, but LMGDS chooses to install DAB and CLOPAY brand Garage Doors due to the value and reliability of their products.

Sizing or measuring the opening of a Garage Door involves tallying the requirements of all of the systems you want operating in both normal and emergency situations. We highly recommend leaving this to a trained LMGDS Technician!
Best Value
There are many strong options available, but LMGDS chooses to install DAB and CLOPAY brand Garage Doors due to the value and reliability of their products.
Sizing or measuring the opening of a Garage Door involves tallying the requirements of all of the systems you want operating in both normal and emergency situations. We highly recommend leaving this to a trained LMGDS Technician!
Contact Us
Landmark Garage Door Pros
2040 NW 123 St
North Miami, FL 33167
Service Area:
Miami Dade, Broward, Palm Beaches
(305) 505-7515